Simpler Dynamic DNS

Since the last time I talked about defying Comcast and running my own Dynamic DNS the Windows Service I had relied on has passed away. The author’s website is frequently unavailable, and the service now crashes with some sort of run time on the latest version of Windows 10 (if it ever worked for Windows 10). I had been running the service on an old computer that had kept Windows 7 on it for a long time, but when I finally retired it from that and made it an unRAID server I had no success setting it up on the computer that replaced it.

A per-requisite to this solution was downloading wget or curl for Windows. I chose wget. Finding up to date versions of these traditionally UNIX derivative software for Windows can be tough but I eventually found a seemingly up to date (at least compatible with SSL) at this site. I dropped the binary into the folder where I would keep the rest of the files.

On’s “Dynamic DNS” files you can download wget or curl scripts. I downloaded the wget links, and then I took the urls from each script and pasted them one per line into a text file.

Once I did that it was just a matter of using Windows Task Scheduler to setup a process. I’m not going to cover the specifics but I will share an example of how I set this up.

c:\path\to\binary\wget.exe -i c:\path\to\binary\"text file name" -O c:\path\to\binary\log.txt

I have this command running every 15 minutes to be safe. I rely on dynamic dns so that many of the services I run (like this website) can stay afloat. Making sure I have ways to easily access my home network through a domain name is important. I hope that if while trying to figure out a simple solution for this you may have found this helpful.

Point Defiance Park

On April 16, 2019 I took my foster rabbit Snowy to a vet that was out of my hometown to get him neutered. Since the vet was more than hour’s drive away and I had to spend 8 hours waiting for his vet appointment to come to an end.

One of the places I chose to visit was Point Defiance Park near Tacoma. I thought it would be fun to share some of the photos from my visit and walk alongside the beach. I sadly wasn’t able to walk the entire way around the park by the beach because of the tide, or see more of the park because I ran out of time.