Recently on r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns there was a bit of a trend running to using an application called “Pastel Girl” to make cute little pictures. It is not unlike the old flash dress up games or avatar creators people used to make all the time. A lot of the work made that I saw was pretty cute, and it convinced me to spend 2 days attempting to download the app from the play store (which was likely failing due to sudden large demand for this app). After spending a few minutes I managed to create the picture below. It is a nice throwback I think, because I can remember as a pre-teen/teenager spending way too much time creating pictures with these sorts of applications.
Author: Ammy
Dynamic DNS versus ISPs
I find myself locked into an eternal conflict with my Internet service providers when I am at home. I am someone who has developed her skills around using a computer to rely on for communication. I write that which I cannot say, and I reach the otherwise unreachable. When I lived with my parents I had to pay an extra 5-10 dollars a month just to be able to use and manage my own router. We had a local ISP, so I guess it is understandable to some degree. Now that I am on my own I’m stuck with Comcast, but fortunately I seem to be able to manage (most) ports on my router without having to pay a little extra… Comcast is still more expensive somehow.
Granted Comcast does not offer me a static IP address. I have used sites like DynDNS and No-IP to mixed success in the past, but they’re tedious to maintain typically. Eventually I moved onto using FreeDNS at I could not be any happier with the service, really. If you have a service provider that does not let you reasonably have a static IP address I would highly recommend using their service, because you do not even need to register your own domain to use it. In fact when I first started using it I was using one of many donated domain names out there. Recently the domain I had made my subdomain off of seems to have left us though, so I have added my newly registered domain to their pool for others to benefit from having their own subdomain. It is a private domain, because I feel strongly that I would not allow my domain to be used for anything malicious.
For any of my friends who might use Windows to host whatever servers/services they want to host online I found a great tool to automate updating your IP address to the domain you select. Free DNS Update Service is easy to install and configure, and works as a Windows service. I’ve had much success using these tools together thus far.