I recently started taking the time to clean up my desk. For a long time it was used by another member in my household. After moving her to another part of the house it took me a while to go beyond using it for storage. I consider it a work in progress. The beginning of which you can see below:

I was satisfied with the results for something I did last weekend. I have a long ways to go. I will state that I have found a way to alleviate more desk space later. I will be moving the two computers featured on the left of the desk to my closet after I get a 20U Networking Rack. This will give me greater control of this space, and more room to work.
It won’t be completely computer free at first. I have an old Apple Mac Mini that I want to turn into an SSH server, and I will use the pictured monitor, keyboard, and mouse to work on that. However I didn’t wait to get these things cleaned out to begin working on my first electronics project.
I got an old Gameboy Advance at a swap meet years ago. It iddn’t even have a backing plate for the batteries. I bought several modifications for it and you can see them here:

Featured in the image includes:
- New modified shell (white)
- IPS back lit screen
- Glass protection cover for the screen
- Pink (of course) buttons
- Sound amplifier, speaker, and signal cleaning board
- Lithium Ion battery pack
I did find when I began to work on it that I needed some consumable supplies I just didn’t have. (Mostly double sided tape. Kind of embarrassing.) As a result my desk is actually already quite messy again:

In the next few days though I should be able to solve this problem and make further improvements and adjustments to the desk. I look forward to sharing those and the finished modded Gameboy Advance.